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Creating a Cozy Atmosphere in Your Home with Modern Design

Creating a Cozy Atmosphere in Your Home with Modern Design

December has arrived and everyone knows what that means - time to cozy up with a blanket, cup of tea, and wait for the cold winter months to end!

Nothing pairs better with binging on Netflix than a cozy space. It’s the perfect time to change up some pieces of furniture in your home if you’re looking to make it more cozy, or simply add a few accessories to get you through the winter months. We’ve rounded up some of our favourite ideas for adding cozy touches to your space this winter to make it more inviting, warm, and comfortable.


Adding textures is the best and easiest way to make your home cozier. Sterile, industrial designs are often characterized by smooth, shiny textures. When you add more, such as velvet, faux fur, cashmere, tweed, wool, and leather, the space is softened and made to feel more inviting.

Wool armchairs and sofas are a great way to add texture to a living room. sohoConcept’s Mostar Sofa and Taxim Sectional Sofa are both fantastic options for adding texture to a living room or rec room. The Mostar sofa is available in silver camira wool, while the Taxim Sectional is available in tweed, wool, and luxurious velvet.

In kitchens and bathrooms, consider adding new towels or placemats to give the space new textures.


While you’re adding texture to your space, consider leather as well! One leather item can warm up an entire space, like one ottoman or armchair, especially when paired with the right pillows and blankets. Soft, worn leather is inviting, comfortable, and easy to fall asleep in while reading a good book!

sohoConcept’s Barcelona Armchair or the Washington 4 Star Armchair in amber genuine leather basically begs you to come sit down and relax. With a cool grey throw or faux fur pillow, a leather armchair works to immediately cozy up your space.

barcelona washigton arm chairs


There are a few easy accessories you can use to make your modern design more cozy without changing the furniture. Pillows and blankets are the standard go-to items in the winter that we stock up on, but there is so much more you can add!

If you have flooring, adding an area rug or a faux fur rug under your table helps warm up a room. Adding more books onto available shelving creates the image of an old library - one of the coziest environments you can be in! Instead of vases with fresh flowers, using sticks, ribbon, and dried flowers can be an easy way to add charm that you don’t have to change every week!


Warm hues in a room can completely change it just as much as adding a piece of wool furniture can. While you may not want to switch out all the lightbulbs in your house, changing one or two in side lamps or reading lights can make all the difference. Lightbulbs with a bronze or copper hue, or lights with a dimmer switch, help make a room feel cozier and can change the aesthetic of your entire color scheme and design! Edison bulbs are a great way to create this feeling as well.

Adding a new standing lamp, reading light, or side light if you don’t already have them in your space is also a great way to keep the lighting in a room dim when you’re watching holiday specials or relaxing with good friends.

Time to Get Cozy!

With a few accessories or new pieces of furniture, you can easily make your home cozier than ever. Adding some leather pieces or wool furniture, and of course, blankets, pillows, and warm lighting will make you forget all about the raging snowstorm outside!

If you’re looking for new wool or leather pieces for your home this winter, sohoConcept can help. We have modern wool and leather furniture made with high quality materials that will last well beyond just this winter. Get in touch with us to view our full catalogue or check out some of our modern furniture online!